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Classroom Rules, Procedures, Rewards, Consequences

The Classroom Rules:

1. Be seated in your assigned seat.

2. Bring required supplies to class every visit.

3. Always keep your hands and feet to yourself.

4. Do not disrupt the learning environment.

5. Always follow the teacher's directions (The Process) The process is you are required to raise your hand, be recognized, make your request, and accept the decision.

6. Follow the PBIS rules and procedures.

7. Follow the Tipton County Schools Student Handbook


8. Keep all personal items put away. (Cell phones, lotions, perfumes, colognes, combs, brushes, etc.)

9. Refrain from eating, drinking, or chewing gum in the classroom.

The Procedures:

1. All students will please wait in the hallway, in a straight line, away from my door, until the door is open and the substitute or teacher prompts you to come in.

2. Go directly to your assigned seat.

3. Level 0 when the teacher gives the direction in class or when the teacher is instructing unless there is a question relating to the lesson or other.

4. Each row of students will be released by the teacher. Students not seated will remain until everyone else has left). Just because class is nearly over does not mean you start getting up. All students remain seated until the bell rings.

5. You may be excused from your tardiness by these ways: *CMS staff (teacher, principal, or other) brings you to class., *Staff hand-written note, *Staff e-mail, or *Staff text.


Ex: You are responsible for asking for the note to be excused to my class. You are responsible to make sure you get to my class on time as it is that staff member's decision whether or not to give you a note depending upon the situation. 7. Restroom: All students are expected to use the restroom at their scheduled times before coming to math lab related arts. Any student with a restroom medical note or medication reaction where restroom is required upon request medical note is the exception, but must have note on file with the nurse's office. If most students need to use the restroom, then we will take a short break before starting class.


1. PBIS tickets for drawings.

Consequences, PBIS schoolwide management system: First Offense: Verbal Warning

Second Offense: SIR #1 (student/teacher conference, seat change, review rules & expectations)

Third Offense: SIR #2 (can be silent lunch, notify coach, if student plays sport)

Fourth Offense: SIR #3 (contact parent, student/grade-level meeting)

Fifth Offense: Student Behavioral Referral to the Administration (Office Visit).

*MAJOR OFFENSES such as bullying, fighting, dress code violations, profanity and insubordination will be or can result in an automatic office referral.

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